Southerly 38 Lifting Keel

Impressive Specification
£260,000.00 (Approx €308,537)
  • Bateau REF#  ·  341040
  • Longeur hors tout  ·  12.00m
  • Année  ·  2009
  • Construction  ·  Fibre de Verre
  • Coque  ·  Dériveur intégral
  • Couchettes  ·  6
  • Moteur  ·  1 x gasoil 56cv, Yanmar 4JH5E (2009)
  • Visible à  ·  Ipswich
Boatshed Suffolk
Boatshed Suffolk
Ben Farnell

Détails supplémentaires

Architecte Stephen Jones
Chantier Northshore Yachts
Visible à Ipswich
Capacité carburant 246.0 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)
Capacité d'eau 270.0 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)


Moteur 1 x gasoil 56cv
Marque et le modèle du moteur Yanmar 4JH5E (2009)
Heures moteur Inconnu
Refroidi par Indirect
Barre barre à roue
Transmission arbre d'hélice
Hélice(s) Three bladed auto feathering (Corder des coupeurs)
Consommation carburant (approx) Inconnu

The engine was upgraded at new to the more powerful 56hp giving a lot of power for a boat of her size. Also fitted are 75kg thrust bow and stern thrusters.

New engine panel and Tachometer fitted 2023
Balmar high output alternator 2023

Engine serviced February 2025.


Longeur hors tout 12.00m
Longeur flottaison 11.00m
Bau 4.00m
Tirant d'eau Min 0.82m
Tirant d'eau Max 2.59m
Tirant d'Air 18.86m
Deplacement 9,921kg
Stationnement A l'eau


Grand voile à ris North Sails - bande à ris (2009) Stack Pack, Fully Battened, Lazy Jacks, 3 Ris
Génois/foc North Sail - Enrouleur (2016)
Autres voiles North Sail Furling Asymmetric G1 Gennaker (2016)
Overlapping furling Genoa (2016)
Equipement de Spi

Huge sail plan on this boat with fully battened main, Self tacking furling Jib, overlapping furling Genoa and furling Gennaker. The double head sails make downwide sailing incredibly fast and easy.

Systèmes électriques

12 batterie volts, 240 tension d'alimentation à quai, 4 batterie(s) chargé(s) par: moteur, panneaux solaires, prise de quai


Construction Fibre de Verre
Coque Dériveur intégral
Finition Gelcoat finition


Nombre total de couchages 6
Nombre de lits doubles 3
Cabines 2
Lavabo 2
Douche 2
Toilettes 2 Toilettes (WC marine)

The interior is a great open space with 2 cabins and plenty of windows throughout giving it a light and airy feel.

As soon as you go down the companionway you’ll understand why Southerly have such a good reputation with a brilliant finish all around and a great use of space. To the port side is an L shaped galley comprising of a gimbled 2 burner gas stove with an oven & grill, 240v microwave, 75l top loading fridge and sink. There are plenty of storage options making cooking on longer cruisers possible. The navigation table is to starboard with access to all the necessary nav equipment.

The main cabin is aft with a generous double bed with seating either side of the bed. The heads is en-suite with a door leading to the saloon as well, basic sea toilet with a Smart Cover over the top which doubles as seat for when you’re showering.

The saloon is forward with a great space having L shaped seating to port with bench style seating starboard. The upholstery is Alcantara Blue 6801 and appears to be in great condition. The table houses the keel and lifting system with raisable sides to comfortably sit 7-8 people all around.

Forward is the forehead berth and second heads, the second head is similar to the aft heads all though it is slightly smaller. The cabin has a good size V berth with an infill to make it a comfortable double.

2 feux(s) gaz cuisinière


Chauffage de cabine
Système d'eau sous pression
Système d'eau chaude
Four à micro-ondes

The interior is a great open space with 2 cabins and plenty of windows throughout giving it a light and airy feel.

As soon as you go down the companionway you’ll understand why Southerly have such a good reputation with a brilliant finish all around and a great use of space. To the port side is an L shaped galley comprising of a gimbled 2 burner gas stove with an oven & grill, 240v microwave, 75l top loading fridge and sink. There are plenty of storage options making cooking on longer cruisers possible. The navigation table is to starboard with access to all the necessary nav equipment.

The main cabin is aft with a generous double bed with seating either side of the bed. The heads is en-suite with a door leading to the saloon as well, basic sea toilet with a Smart Cover over the top which doubles as seat for when you’re showering.

The saloon is forward with a great space having L shaped seating to port with bench style seating starboard. The upholstery is Alcantara Blue 6801 and appears to be in great condition. The table houses the keel and lifting system with raisable sides to comfortably sit 7-8 people all around.

Forward is the forehead berth and second heads, the second head is similar to the aft heads all though it is slightly smaller. The cabin has a good size V berth with an infill to make it a comfortable double.

2 feux(s) gaz cuisinière

Accastillage de pont

Taud de bôme
Parre battages
Echelle de bain
Couvertures d'instruments
Taud de cockpit complet
Propulseur arrière
Propulseur d'étrave

3 winch(s) de drisse
4 winch(s) d'écoute
électrique Lewmar guindeau (avec commande à distance)
1 ancre(s)
(16Kg Delta)
50.00m de chaîne
30.00m de bout
annexe ()
5x Lewmar electric winches with 2 for the main sheet, 2 for Genoa sheets and another on the coach roof for halyards.

Equipement de Navigation

Pilote automatique
Feux de navigation
Fish Finder

Raymarine ST60+ speed, depth and wind mounted on the companionway

P70 autohelm displays mounted at both helms and navigation table as well as a handheld wireless remote with a raymarine ACU400 autopilot system.

Raymarine RAY218E VHF

Dual Raymarine Axiom Pro 12 chartplotters on both helms (new 2019)

Equipement de Sécurité

Radeau de sauvetage

2 pompes de cale (1 manuel / 1 électrique)

Commentaires du Broker

Southerly are incredible boats getting the perfect balance between comfort and performance. The 38 has a serious ‘big boat’ feel to it with its impressive use of space.

This example has been well looked after and boasts an impressive inventory including an array of top of the range navigation equipment, twin foresails, bow & stern thruster and an upgraded 56hp engine to name but a few.

The huge boost for southerly is having a lifting keel system making the draft as low as 0.8m meaning that exploring the shallower water as well as beaching is a real option.

If you’re in the market for a serious cruiser that will please any experienced or inexperienced sailor then this Southerly 38 will be perfect.

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

Owners FAQ's

How long have you owned the boat for?

5 years

Why are you selling her?

Looking to move to a motorboat

Where have you sailed her?

East coast

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