Hunter Horizon 23 Bilge Keel

£5,950.00 (Approx €7,061)
  • Bateau REF#  ·  340615
  • Longeur hors tout  ·  6.93m
  • Année  ·  1991
  • Construction  ·  Fibre de Verre
  • Coque  ·  Biquille
  • Couchettes  ·  4
  • Moteur  ·  1 x essence 6cv, Tohatsu Sail Pro (2019)
  • Visible à  ·  Isle of Wight
Boatshed IOW
Boatshed IOW
Corinne Gillard

Détails supplémentaires

Architecte David Thomas
Chantier British Hunter Marine
Visible à Isle of Wight
Capacité carburant 10.0 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)


Moteur 1 x essence 6cv
Marque et le modèle du moteur Tohatsu Sail Pro (2019)
Heures moteur Inconnu
Refroidi par Direct
Barre barre franche
Transmission hors-bord
Consommation carburant (approx) Inconnu
Vitesse de croisière 4 noeuds
Vitesse Max 5 noeuds

Engine service January 2025
Hours not recorded but estimated as <100
Long shaft outboard so sits on bracket rather than in well


Longeur hors tout 6.93m
Longeur flottaison 5.82m
Bau 2.59m
Tirant d'eau Max 0.94m
Deplacement 1,254kg
Stationnement Au sec


Génois/foc - Enrouleur (2016)
Autres voiles Cruising Chute (1991)

Rig check 2024
Self-tacking jib

Systèmes électriques

12 batterie volts, 240 tension d'alimentation à quai, 1 batterie(s) chargé(s) par: moteur, panneaux solaires, prise de quai


Construction Fibre de Verre
Coque Biquille
Finition Gelcoat finition


Nombre total de couchages 4
Nombre de lits doubles 1
Nombre de lits simples 2
Cabines 2
Lavabo 1
Toilettes 1 Toilettes (Manuels)

There is a flexi water tank under the forward berth but it is currently not used
The galley has a space for a gimbled stove or electric oven/microwave if running from shore power


Système d'eau manuel

There is a flexi water tank under the forward berth but it is currently not used
The galley has a space for a gimbled stove or electric oven/microwave if running from shore power

Accastillage de pont

Taud de bôme
Parre battages
Echelle de bain
Couvertures d'instruments

2 winch(s) de drisse
1 ancre(s)

Equipement de Navigation

Pilote automatique
Feux de navigation

Autohelm unit not tested

Equipement de Sécurité

Gilets de sauvetage
Bouées couronnes
Echelle d'embarquement

1 pompes de cale (1 manuel / 0 électrique)

2 adult and 1 child's lifejacket (in test)

Commentaires du Broker

Hunter Boats (or British Hunter rather than American Hunter) began building in 1968 with the Squib, a keelboat that is seen at sailing clubs all over the world. When the designer David Thomas joined them in 1975, Hunter's range of GRP yachts broadened and in the mid 1980s the Horizon cruisers began production.

The Hunter 23 is the smallest of the Horizon range but she certainly doesn't feel it. There's plenty of space in the cockpit and she's easy to move around on deck. Bilge keels give you the versatility to go (and stay) where others can't, and in some places significantly reduce your berthing costs. As you would expect with a designer such as David Thomas, she's rigged for efficiency and so a self-tacking jib and larger mainsail help offset the lack of upwind performance usually associated with bilge keelers. She does have an engine well as standard however, to improve handling under power there is a 6hp longshaft outboard on a bracket aft (currently off the boat for annual service).

Going below she has a surprisingly large companionway and so again, moving around is easy. The layout is open and spacious, the galley and chart table opposite each other to take advantage of maximum headroom and the separate aft cabin makes staying aboard comfortable. She's in the yard for the winter and was found clean and dry and fresh below, solid and tidy on deck and appears to be a good example of a very well thought out small cruiser.

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

Owners FAQ's

How long have you owned the boat for?

2 years

Why are you selling her?

Change of circumstances

Where have you sailed her?


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