Catana Bali 4.5

Blue-water Catamaran
£279,000.00 (Approx €331,084) Prix en baisse
  • Bateau REF#  ·  340141
  • Longeur hors tout  ·  13.40m
  • Année  ·  2015
  • Construction  ·  Fibre de Verre
  • Coque  ·  Multicoque
  • Couchettes  ·  6
  • Moteur  ·  2 x gasoil 55cv, Nanni (2015)
  • Visible à  ·  Gibraltar
Boatshed Gibraltar
Boatshed Gibraltar
John Alcantara

Détails supplémentaires

Architecte Hervé Coudel
Chantier Catana
Visible à Gibraltar
Capacité carburant 800.0 L Total - 2 Cuve(s)
Capacité d'eau 800.0 L Total - 2 Cuve(s)
Capacité réservoir eaux noires 150.0 L Total - 2 Cuve(s)


Moteur 2 x gasoil 55cv
Marque et le modèle du moteur Nanni (2015)
Heures moteur moteur1= 1400
moteur2= 1400
Refroidi par Indirect
Barre barre à roue
Transmission saildrive
Hélice(s) Folding 3 bladed
Consommation carburant (approx) 5.0 L /hr A vitesse de croisière
Vitesse de croisière 6 noeuds
Vitesse Max 8 noeuds
Puissance groupe 10KVA
Heures de générateur 10


Longeur hors tout 13.40m
Bau 7.40m
Tirant d'eau Min 1.22m
Stationnement Marina


Grand voile à ris Trident - bande à ris (2015) Lazy Jacks,
Génois/foc Trident - Enrouleur (2002)
Autres voiles Code Zero (2015)

Systèmes électriques

12 batterie volts, 240 générateur de volt, 240 tension d'alimentation à quai, 10 batterie(s) chargé(s) par: moteur, panneaux solaires, prise de quai, groupe électrogène


Construction Fibre de Verre
Coque Multicoque
Finition Gelcoat finition

• Owner’s version 3 cabins – 2 electrical head
• 2 grey waters tanks of 150 L with discharge pump
• Indirect lighting in saloon and cabins
• Extra Fresh water tank of 400lts for a total capacity of 800lts
• Extra ventilation by opening porthole in each cabin
• 180 L/H watermaker
• 6 kg washer-dryer machine 220V
• Mosquito screens for portholes in cabins
• 12 V fan per cabin and forepeak (4 fans)

Galley :
• American fridge freezer (615 L) with chilled water , ice maker and dedicated inverter
• Dish-washer for 9 220 V
• Micro-wave oven 220 V


Nombre total de couchages 6
Nombre de lits doubles 3
Cabines 3
Lavabo 1
Douche 3
Climatisation 3 Climatisation Unités
Toilettes 2 Toilettes (électrique)

3 feux(s) gaz cuisinière


Chauffage de cabine
Système d'eau sous pression
Système d'eau chaude
Douche cockpit
Evier de cockpit
Machine à glacons
Four à micro-ondes
Lave vaisselle
Machine à laver
Sèche linge

3 feux(s) gaz cuisinière

Accastillage de pont

Taud de bôme
Parre battages
Echelle de bain
Couvertures d'instruments

1 winch(s) de drisse
2 winch(s) d'écoute
électrique guindeau (avec commande à distance)
annexe (2017)
15CV hors-bord, Yamaha (2017)

Equipement de Navigation

SSB Modem
Pilote automatique
Feux de navigation
Booster WiFi

• Raymarine Electronic Pack including : autopilot , GPS plotter A65 screen
• Raymarine VHF at chart table with extra VHF at helm station , with antenna
• Radio HiFi 4 loud speaker Bluetooth
• GPS plotter Raymarine 12" in place of the standard one at steering station (A65 at chart table)

• AIS Raymarine receiver transmitter
• Radar Raymarine with support and Wiring
• Raymarine remote control for automatic pilot
• TV antenna

Equipement de Sécurité

Radeau de sauvetage
Gilets de sauvetage
Harnais de sécurité
Echelle d'embarquement
MOB Système
Barre de secours

6 pompes de cale (2 manuel / 4 électrique)


Vélo repliable

Commentaires du Broker

The Catana Bali 4.5 is a popular sailing catamaran known for its innovative design and comfort. Here are some of its key benefits:

1. Exceptional Living Space
Open Space Design: The Bali 4.5 features a unique "Open Space" concept, with a large saloon that seamlessly connects to the cockpit via a foldable aft door, creating a massive single-level area.
Forward Cockpit: A standout feature is the forward cockpit with a dining area and sunbathing space, offering an alternative lounging spot with excellent views.
Flybridge: The spacious flybridge provides additional seating, lounging, and a commanding view, enhancing comfort and sociability.
2. Comfort and Amenities
Luxurious Interior: The interior is well-finished with high-quality materials, offering a modern, luxurious feel.
Spacious Cabins: The catamaran provides ample cabin space, each equipped with en-suite bathrooms, making it ideal for extended stays or charters.
Large Galley: The L-shaped galley has significant storage and cooking space, located conveniently to serve both the saloon and outdoor areas.
3. Performance and Handling
Good Sailing Performance: While not as performance-oriented as some Catana models, the Bali 4.5 offers a good balance between comfort and speed, making it suitable for cruisers who enjoy leisurely sailing.
Integrated Helm Station: Positioned for excellent visibility, the helm station on the flybridge makes navigation and docking easier.
4. Practical Features
Solid Foredeck: Unlike many catamarans, the Bali 4.5 has a solid foredeck instead of trampolines, which increases usable deck space and comfort.
Self-Sufficient Systems: Options for large water tanks, solar panels, and generous fuel capacity make the Bali 4.5 well-suited for long voyages.
Ease of Maintenance: Systems are designed for accessibility, making maintenance less cumbersome.
5. Versatility
Charter-Friendly: Its spacious layout and ability to host larger groups make it ideal for the charter market.
Family or Group Cruising: The Bali 4.5 is excellent for families or friends who want a comfortable, roomy platform for extended cruising.
6. Value for Money
Competitive Pricing: For its size and features, the Bali 4.5 is priced competitively compared to other catamarans in its class.
Durability: Its robust build ensures longevity, adding to its value over time.
The Bali 4.5 is an excellent choice for those who prioritize comfort, space, and user-friendly features in a cruising catamaran, whether for private use or charter purposes

This particular boat was a demonstrator for Catana Yachts for 2 years and it was then sold and soon after acquired by the current vendor who is the third owner. I was struck by the spaciousness of this yacht (owners version i.e. owner’s cabin plus 2 guest cabins)). It has lots of clever features and rather than describe them I would urge you to view the manufacturer’s promotional video for this model at the link below:

The more I step onto catamarans the more this once convinced monohull fan is starting to doubt his own choices. Come and see the boat for yourself and make your own mind up.

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

Owners FAQ's

How long have you owned the boat for?

7 years

Why are you selling her?

Time to move on.

Where have you sailed her?

Mediterranean France & Italy

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