This is a boat that I am impressed with. It was not a mistake that Beneteau became the largest European yacht builder, it was their ability to design and build successful yachts. The Beneteau First 325 is one of their popular designs. She is rewarding to sail, easy to handle and can look after her crew in the most adverse conditions.
She has only had 2 owners from new, the current owner is a retired boat builder. Both are very experienced yachtsmen who have looked after her with loving care. As one steps below she shows no sign of her age and is a credit to her owners. This is why she stands out from the crowd.
She has a large comfortable cockpit with the lines led back to make her easy to sail. A large new spray hood with grab rails was fitted last year providing plenty of shelter. There is also a brand new main sail.
The accommodation has a forward cabin with 2 single berths which convert to a double with an infill. In the main saloon there are 2 settee berths around a good sized saloon table. The full size chart table is to starboard with the galley opposite. The stern cabin is aft with a large double berth and the decent sized heads are to port.
She has been well maintained with a lot of recent upgrades over the last few years including the standing and running rigging changed in 2020, in 2022 a new prop shaft was fitted, the cutlass bearing replaced along with a Volvo seal and a 3 bladed propeller fitted. In addition the rear engine mountings have been changed. A new GPS with speed interface has been added and a new radio fitted. The anti fouling was completely stripped in 2024 and reapplied.
She was surveyed in 2020 and then rechecked in 2024 with most of the recommendations carried out.
There are few boats presented in this condition, so please don't hesitate to make an appointment to view.
These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.
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